Opinionated, outspoken, and once in a while funny!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What am I not understanding?!?!

Okay, the health care bill passed.

Medium and Large companies will be required to provide health care to their employees. I forsee a lot of companies going more to the "contractor" rather than "employee" mindset.

EVERYONE will be required to have some kind of health care. If they don't get it from their employer, they will HAVE TO BUY IT THEMSELVES. If you're working for a small company that doesn't have to provide it, and doesn't, you MUST buy some out of your own pocket.

Anyone who doesn't have qualifying health insurance will pay an additional 2.5% income tax. If you can't afford it, they're going to take even more money out of your pocket.

Insurers will NOT be allowed to disqualify pre-existing conditions. Rates will go up to compensate for the increased costs.

Small and Medium income families will have subsidies to help them purchase health insurance. Great. Bet it doesn't cover the whole, increased cost.

I foresee:

• Additional financial burden on companies that are currently struggling due to the economy. Especially on small, privately owned companies.

• Increased insurance costs to cover increased expenses. And increases to take advantage of the forced purchases.

• Reductions in benefits to compensate. And more workers being hired as "contractors" (with no benefits at all).

• People who can't afford insurance now either buy it anyway, or lose MORE of their income.

This is "reform"?

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