Opinionated, outspoken, and once in a while funny!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

G.I. Joe

Yeah, yeah, I only just saw it.

And I didn't expect much, since it's a "kid's movie". The story was about what I expected for quality. And they did a pretty decent job on the tech, actually, especially for a "kid's movie".

But that makes it even more inexcusable when they ignored simple, basic, real-world physics.

ICE FLOATS, you morons!!! You can blow the crap out of the ice cap over your underwater base, BUT YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HAVE CHUNKS OF ICE FALLING DOWN THROUGH THE WATER ONTO YOUR BASE.

"Oh, it's a kid's movie, it doesn't really matter, they'll never know the difference." No, that doesn't cut it. If it's a kid's movie, it's even MORE important that you have your basics correct. Otherwise, it's just an insult to your audience.

You couldn't show a car driving up the side of a building without a good reason. You couldn't show a glass of water floating in mid-air without a good reason. You can't have ice sinking through water without a good reason.

Ice floats. Look at icebergs.


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