Opinionated, outspoken, and once in a while funny!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Time change

I like when Daylight Saving Time ends, at first. I got up when I woke up, about 7am, but it was actually 6am. Cool!

But then I have to manually reset half a dozen clocks/watches, including my so-called "atomic" clock. It checks the time at midnight, so it doesn't catch the time change until Monday morning if I don't fix it myself. And because I thought I wouldn't have to reset it when I bought it, I hung it waaaaaaay up out of normal reach. Grrr!

On the other hand, my computer, TV, DVR, DVD-R and Palm all reset themselves, so that's a few items I don't have to fuss with.

On the third hand, I bought one of those nice "combo" watches a few months ago. It has both analog hands and a digital display. Which means I have to set my watch TWICE when the time changes.

And then, when alarm went off this morning, it was so much lighter than "normal" that I was sure I had overslept. It took a several seconds to figure out that I was okay. "We set the clocks back one hour. So it's one hour later. And the sun is one hour higher. Okay, I'm not late." And "morning brain" didn't make it any easier.

I wish we'd abandon this crap. I understand the reasoning behind it, and a century ago it made sense. But in our modern industrialized world, any energy savings from more light in the evening is surely all but canceled out by the later darkness in the mornings.

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