Something like 75% of men claim to be above-average drivers. (If you can't see the problem with that, go back to school!)
Trust me, you are not even a "good" driver, much less "above average", if . . .
You can't see my back tires. I don't care if we're stopped or rolling, if you can't see where my back tires touch the road, YOU'RE TOO FRICKIN' CLOSE!
You have to use your brakes to avoid bumping into the car in front of you that you were catching up to. Did it occur to you to maybe TAKE YOUR FOOT OFF THE FRICKIN' GAS PEDAL?!
You have to use your brakes in ordinary, non-rush hour freeway traffic. Period. If you had to use your brakes and it ain't rush hour, and nobody else just did something stupid, you were NOT paying enough attention to traffic.
You aren't looking ahead of the car in front of you, or the patch of road in front of you, or you haven't looked in your rear-view mirror since you hit the freeway. If you don't have any idea what's going on ahead of and behind you, you're just a collision looking for a location.
You didn't turn your head and check your corner for other vehicles before moving over. I don't care HOW certain you are that it's clear, if you didn't actually look and confirm it, you are a CRAP driver.
You're on the phone with ANYONE other than 911. Hands-free or not, the conversation itself makes you a worse driver than drinking.
You're riding your motorcycle down that nice dark stripe down the middle of the lane. You know what that stripe is? It's OIL, you moron, that dripped off all the cars that drive that lane. Get off of it!!!
You had even ONE drink before you got behind the wheel. Okay, you may well be an above-average driver when you're sober, and one drink may not make you an unsafe driver, but it DID reduce your ability. You are no longer as good a driver as you were.
You aren't wearing your seatbelt. Or anyone in your vehicle is not properly restrained. You are responsible for the safety of everyone in your vehicle. I don't care how many "would have died if they'd been wearing their belt" stories you can dig up, seatbelts save thousands more lives than they take. Play the odds, or you're stupid.